Bells Commercial
Golding House
130-138 Plough Rd
SW11 2AA
logo t: 020 7228 4116


Property photo
LOCATION: The property is situated on the north side of Fulham Road at the junction of Park Walk between Fulham Cineworld cinema and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. This is a busy road with a high volume of passing trade and within a high value residential area. There are retail shops and cafes/restaurants and bars including Sophie's Steakhouse, Joe and The Juice, Pizza Express, The Goat PH, Starbucks and Caffé Nero, Sainsbury's Local and Marks and Spencer's Food. DESCRIPTION: The property comprises a ground floor and basement shop last used as a wine bar/restaurant with limited food menu. The ground floor provides a bar and seating for approximately 50 covers. The basement provides a kitchen/prep room, under pavement storage/wine cellar, an admin office and male/female WC/washrooms. The shop and basement is in need of a fit out by the ingoing tenant. The Landlord will allow change to Class A1 retail use. Ground floor Internal width 13'0" 3.96m Internal depth 41'0" 12.50m Ground floor area 576ft² 53.5m² Basement Kit/prep area 195ft² 18.10m² Admin office 93ft² 8.63m² Under pavement storage 138ft² 12.82m² WC/washrooms 139ft² 12.91m² Basement area 565ft² 52.5m² The upper floors comprise a self contained flat with living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom/WC. First floor Living room 16'0" x 13'0" Kitchen 10'1" x 9'6" Second floor Bedroom 16'0" x 13'0" Bathroom/WC 10'1" x 9'6" LEASE: The ground floor shop and basement will be let on a new full repairing and insuring lease. The residential flat can be let separately on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy. RENT:- Offers invited in the region of £50,000 for ground floor and basement Flat - rent on application RATEABLE VALUE The rateable value (2017 list) is £50,500 LEGAL COSTS: Each party to bear their own legal costs. VIEWING: Strictly by appointment through Sole Agents: BELLS COMMERCIAL 020 7228 4405 The Energy Performance Certificate has been commissioned and will be available on request SUBJECT TO CONTRACT PLEASE CHECK CURRENT STATUS AND AVAILABILITY PRIOR TO INCURRING ANY EXPENSE Bells for themselves and for vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: (i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the employment of Bells has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property; (iv) all applicants are advised to confirm prior to their appointment to view a property that it is still available and that all of the main details are unchanged. Bells Commercial Limited are members of The Property Ombudsman Milford House 43-55 Milford Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2BP 01722 335 458 Membership No. T01796 and operate an internal complaints procedure a copy of which is available on request.
A: Bells Commercial
T: 020 7228 4116
Reference: CHAR_000646
Descriptions of the property are subjective and are used in good faith as an opinion and NOT as a statement of fact. Please make further specific enquires to ensure that our descriptions are likely to match any expectations you may have of the property. We have not tested any services, systems or appliances at this property. We strongly recommend that all the information we provide be verified by you on inspection, and by your Surveyor and Conveyancer.